Table 1. Compression garments and exercise. Synthesis of the effects reported.
Author Wear EX Wear REC Garment type Experimental protocol Criteria Effects Effects of compression garment
Berry (1987) yes yes socks Incremental exercise on treadmill lact + Blood lactates during recovery decreased
Chatard (2004) no yes stockings Maximal exercise during 5 min on an ergocycle 2nd perf + Improvement of the second performance
DOMS + Decrease of the DOMS after 24 hours
lact + Decrease of blood lactates during the recovery
Bringard (2006a) no yes tights Rest SO2 + Increase of oxygen saturation in the triceps surae
Bringard (2006b) yes no tights Incremental exercise on treadmill perf + Decrease of the energy cost of running at 12 km/h
Trenell (2006) no yes tights Walking 30min on treadmill with negative slope (25%) DOMS 0 DOMS after recovery were unchanged
Ali (2007) yes no socks Running 10km perf 0 No effect on 10km running performance
DOMS + Decrease of DOMS up to 24H
Moehrle (2007) yes no socks Maximal physical exercise perf 0 Performance unchanged
lact 0 Blood lactates during running or cycling unchanged
Scanlan (2008) yes no tights Incremental exercise on ergocycle perf 0 No effect on the maximal power of exercise
lact 0 No effect on lactate blood levels
SO2 + Better oxygenation of the vastus lateralis during the cycling exercise
Kemmler (2009) yes no socks Incremental exercise on treadmill perf + Increase of the maximal speed and duration of the trial
lact 0 No effect on lactate blood levels
Rimaud (2010) yes yes socks Incremental exercise on ergocycle lact 0 Blood lactates during recovery increased
Ali (2010) yes no socks Running 40 min on treadmill 2nd perf 0 No effect on jumps after the running
DOMS 0 No effect on the DOMS
lact / CK 0 No effect on lactate and creatine kinase blood levels
Jakemean (2010) no yes tights 100 jumps DOMS + Decrease of the DOMS at 1, 24, 48 and 72 hours
2nd perf + Decrease of the muscle strength weakening at 24, 48 and 72 hours
Menetrier (2011) yes yes stockings Running 30min on treadmill with positive slope (12%) SO2 + Increase of oxygen saturation in the sural triceps surae during the recovery
2nd perf 0 Second performance unchanged
Ali (2011) yes no socks Running 10km 2nd perf + Increase of the height of jumps after the running (low and medium compression)
0 No effect on jumps after the running (high compression)
DOMS 0 No effect on the DOMS
lact / CK 0 No effect on lactate and creatine kinase blood levels
perf 0 No effect on 10km running performance
Sperlich (2011) yes no socks Running 45min on treadmill lact 0 Blood lactates unchanged
Miyamoto (2011) yes no socks Repetition of plantar flexions 2nd perf 0 No effect on the maximal plantar flexion force, measured 3 minutes after the straining exercise
Miyamoto (2011) yes no socks Repetition of plantar flexions 2nd perf 0 No effect on the maximal plantar flexion force, measured 3 minutes after the straining exercise
Menetrier (2011) no yes stockings Running 30min on treadmill with positive slope (12%) 2nd perf + Increase of the average power produced in a second cycling exercise after recovery
lact + Blood lactates after recovery decreased
DOMS + DOMS after recovery decreased
Wahl (2012) yes no socks Incremental exercise on treadmill perf 0 No effect on time-to-exhaustion
lact 0 Blood lactates during the trial unchanged
De Glanville (2012) no yes tights 40 km on ergocycle 2nd perf + Improvement of the running time after 24 hours of recovery
Hamlin (2012) no yes tights Rugby-specific circuit test 2nd perf + Improvement of the second performance (40-m sprint, 3-km run)
CK 0 No effect on creatine kinase blood levels
lact + Decrease of blood lactates during the recovery
Borg + Decrease of the DOMS
Bovenschen (2013) yes no socks Running 10km Vol leg + Compression limits the increase of leg volume after exercise
DOMS 0 Decrease of the DOMS
Bovenschen (2013) yes no socks Incremental exercise on treadmill Vol leg + Compression limits the increase of leg volume after exercise
DOMS 0 Decrease of the DOMS
Driller (2013) no yes tights Recovery period between 2 cycling bouts 2nd perf + Improvement of the second performance
DOMS 0 No effect on the DOMS
Sperlich (2013b) yes no tights 3-min test of simulated alpine skiing in the tuck position accompanied by passive vibration vibrations + Oscillatory movement was reduced
SO2 + Increase of oxygen saturation in the vastus lateralis muscle
lact 0 Blood lactates during the trial unchanged
Borg + Perceived exertion was reduced
Sperlich (2013a) no yes tights Recovery after incremental exercise on ergocycle Blood flow 0 Blood flow in the muscle tissue was reduced
Wear EX : Wear during exercise ; Wear REC : Wear during recovery. perf: performance ; DOMS: delayed onset muscular soreness; SO2: Oxygen saturation of the muscular tissue; lact: blood concentration of lactates; Vol leg : leg volume; Borg: Perceived exertion evaluatedwith Borg scale; vibrations: Oscillatory movement of the muscle; Blood flow: blood flow of muscle tissue. 0: no positive effect (absent or negative effect); +: positive effect.