"Eccentric training" OR "Eccentric exercise" OR "Downhill walking" OR "Muscle lengthening"
AND "cardiovascular function" OR "Arterial Health" OR "Blood pressure" OR Glucose OR HbA1c OR metabolism OR lipids OR physiol* OR *health OR "glycosylated haemoglobin" OR glycol* OR AGE* OR insulin OR "quality of life" OR "glycosylated hemoglobin" OR "Physical fitness" OR "Physical function" OR "exercise tolerance" OR *strength OR "exercise capacity" OR *fitness OR flexibility OR balance OR falls*
AND Metabolic* OR diab* OR T2DM OR T2D OR obes* OR MetS OR *diab* OR Impaired glucose* OR CVD OR CHF OR cardiovasc* OR Seden* OR "physical inact*"
Search terms were "Eccentric training" OR "Eccentric exercise" OR "Downhill walking" OR "Muscle lengthening"
AND "cardiovascular function" OR "Arterial Health" OR "Blood pressure" OR Glucose OR HbA1c OR metabolism OR lipids OR physiol* OR *health OR "glycosylated haemoglobin" OR glycol* OR AGE* OR insulin OR "quality of life" OR "glycosylated hemoglobin" OR "Physical fitness" OR "Physical function" OR "exercise tolerance" OR *strength OR "exercise capacity" OR *fitness OR flexibility OR balance OR falls* AND Metabolic* OR diab* OR T2DM OR T2D OR obes* OR MetS OR *diab* OR Impaired glucose* OR CVD OR CHF OR cardiovasc* OR Seden* OR "physical inact*"