Appendix 1. Questionnaire items

AM questionnaire (Likert Scale from 0-10, except sleep onset and wakening):

  1. How was your sleep? (very poor / very good)
  2. When did you fall asleep (exact time)
  3. When did you wake up? (exact time)
  4. I am feeling (powerless / full of energy)
  5. My muscular fatigue is (very fatigued / not at all fatigued)

PM questionnaire (Likert Scale from 0-10):

  1. How strenuous was the training / game today? (rest / maximal)
  2. How stressful did you find today compared to an average day? (less stressful / more stressful)
  3. How stressful did you find today in terms of training/game compared to an average day? (less stressful / more stressful)
  4. Today I was satisfied with myself (not at all / very)
  5. I am mentally strong (not at all / very strong)