Appendix 1

Expert Interview Guidelines Rest Defense

Prior Interview:
- informed consent, privacy policy, participant information
- Basic information:
            - Age
            - Type of coaching license
            - Coaching experience (years, team, league, role)

Interview Start (Ice-Breaker Questions):
- What led you to become a soccer coach/ soccer analyst?
- What coaching experience do you have in professional soccer (years, team, league, role)?


Open questions to start the conversation:
1.1 What is your experience with rest defense?
1.2 What do you understand by the term rest defense?
1.3 From your perspective, how would you describe rest defense?

Follow-up questions if not answered before:

2.1 In your opinion, what is the goal of rest defense?

2.2 In your view, when does the rest defense occur? When does it come into play? How long does the rest defense action
last? (temporal: playing phase)
Difference: When is rest defense coached, when does it come into play?
2.3 Which players do you think are involved in the rest defense? (spatial: number of players, position group)
2.4 In your opinion, how should the rest defense be positioned on the pitch? (spatial: positioning)

2.5 Do you know tactical approaches in rest defense?
2.6 What tactical variations do you use in rest defense?

2.7 In your opinion, what is important to be effective/successful in rest defense (also compared to an unsuccessful/ineffective rest defense)?
Difference: success based on the result of the rest defense, success based on behavior of the players involved in the rest

2.8 How would you define rest defense?