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Pubmed (246)
("plyometric"[Title/Abstract] OR "stretch shortening cycle"[Title/Abstract] OR "jump"[Title/Abstract] OR "power"[Title/Abstract] OR "explosive"[Title/Abstract] OR "complex"[Title/Abstract] OR "compound"[Title/Abstract] OR "combined"[Title/Abstract] OR "ballistic"[Title/Abstract]) AND ("training"[Title/Abstract] OR "intervention"[Title/Abstract]) AND ("handball"[All Fields] OR "handballers"[All Fields] OR "handballing"[All Fields] OR "handballs"[All Fields])

SCOPUS (2355)
[Article title, Abstract, Keywords] ("plyometric" OR "stretch shortening cycle" OR "jump" OR "power" OR "explosive" OR "complex" OR "compound" OR "combined" OR "ballistic"); AND [Article title, Abstract, Keywords] (training OR intervention) AND [All feilds] (handball)

SPORTDiscus (357)
Search Alert: "AB (plyometric OR stretch shortening cycle OR jump OR power OR explosive OR complex OR compound OR combined OR ballistic ) AND AB (training or intervention ) AND TX handball Also search within the full text of the articles

Web of Science (610)
[Topic] (plyometric OR stretch shortening cycle OR jump OR power OR explosive OR complex OR compound OR combined OR ballistic) AND [Topic] (training or intervention) AND [All feilds] (handball)