Figure 3.
A and B: RMSSD and SDNN recovery before (â—) and after (â– ) 8-weeks of HIIE plus strength exercise. a = higher than post 5-10- and 20-min post exercise session. C and D: Mean RR and Mean HR recovery before (â– ) and after (â—) 8-weeks of HIIE plus strength exercise. a = higher than all other time of measurement; b = lower than 20-, 25- and 30-min post exercise session; c = lower than 20- and 30- min post exercise session; d = lower than 25- and 30- min post acute exercise session; e = pre-training lower than post-training; f = lower than all other time of measurement g= higher than 25- and 30-min post exercise session; h = higher than 25- and 30-min post exercise session; I = higher than 30-min post-exercise session; j = post lower than pre-training.