Table 1. A comparison of kinematic variables for early acceleration in slow and fast sprinters. Data aremeans (SD).
Variable Fast Group
(n = 10)
Slow Group
(n = 10)
Body Mass Index (kg·m-2) 25.1 25.4 .82
Horizontal Hip Velocity (m·s-1) 5.98 (.15) 5.39 (.23) .00*
Stride Length (m) 2.09 (.15) 2.05 (.13) .73
Stride Frequency (Hz) 1.82 (.12) 1.67 (.24) .01*
Left Foot Contact Time (s) .20 (.02) .23 (.03) .01*
Right Foot Contact Time (s) .17 (.01) .19 (.02) .01*
Left Foot Flight Time (s) .05 (.01) .05 (.03) .57
Right Foot Flight Time (s) .06 (.01) .06 (.02 .52
* Significant difference between the groups.