Table 1. Means and standard deviations (in brackets) in seven dependent measures and TMD pre- and post-exercise performed at self-selected exercise intensity in the field experiment.
Dependent measure Pre-Exercise Post- Exercise Effect size (d) Significance
Anger 8.62 (3.97) 7.08 (2.11) .39 p = .001
Confusion 6.59 (2.62) 5.25 (2.06) .51 p = .001
Depression 9.96 (4.38) 8.19 (2.20) .40 p = .001
Fatigue 9.81 (4.31) 11.43 (4.97) .38 p = .01
Self-esteem 20.30 (3.23) 21.82 (3.20) .47 p = .001
Tension 10.86 (3.94) 8.18 (2.45) .68 p = .001
Vigor 11.86 (3.34) 13.94 (4.05) .62 p = .001
TMD 13.69 (18.91) 4.35 (13.03) .49 p = .001