Table 1. Individual scores for pre- and post-insufflation average knee angles through the stance phase, jogging speeds and intra-articular knee pressures.
Subject # Speed (m·sec-1) Pressure (mmHg) *Knee Angle (degrees)
Pre Post
1 4.00 45.00 -49.58 -50.25
2 3.25 32.00 -41.02 -43.58
3 3.50 27.00 -35.63 -36.36
4 2.55 35.00 -37.58 -35.09
5 3.00 40.00 -36.59 -37.00
6 3.25 15.00 -50.21 -51.23
7 3.50 30.00 -45.65 -45.69
8 2.75 22.00 -45.85 -46.78
9 2.85 24.00 -44.23 -45.21
10 3.10 32.00 -48.75 -49.52
11 2.65 45.00 -38.42 -38.56
12 2.80 50.00 -38.56 -39.65
13 3.00 38.00 -42.02 -43.25
Mean 3.09 33.46 -42.62 -43.24
SD 0.41 10.10 5.11 5.50
ES -0.12
No statistical difference (p > 0.05). SD = Standard deviations; ES = Effect size.