Table 1. Mean (± SD) and range, for LEP, oxygen cost of walking, velocity and temporal-spatial gait measures.
Mean (± SD) Range
Age (years) 46 (8) 32-57
Stronger LEP (W·kg-1) 1.99 (.85) 1.04-3.83
Weaker LEP (W·kg-1) 1.07 (.50) .34-1.84
Asymmetry LEP (%) 43 (25) 2-78
Velocity (m·s-1) .70 (.32) .19-1.39
Cadence (step·min-1) 84.9 (23.2) 46.1-125.9
Step length stronger (cm) 46.35 (12.64) 29.95-63.61
Step length weaker (cm) 49.46 (15.32) 18.94-71.09
Stance time stronger (sec) 1.12 (.49) .61-2.16
Stance time weaker (sec) .97 (.38) .56-1.93
Swing time stronger leg (sec) .43 (.08) .31-.60
Swing time weaker leg (sec) .57 (.17) .40-.94
Oxygen cost (ml·kg-1·m-1) .35 (.22) .11-.68
Rivermead Mobility Index (RMI) 13 (3) 7-15
Barthel Index (BI) 19 (2) 15-20
Modified Ashworth Scale right hip flexors 0 (1)
Modified Ashworth Scale left hip flexors 0 (1)