Table 1. Descriptive statistics.
Variables N Minimum Maximum Mean SEM
Score (Rest) Expert Players 10 40.00 58.00 48.90 2.11
Score (70%)ExpertPlayers 10 38.00 56.00 48.30 1.86
Score (90%) Expert Players 10 34.00 54.00 43.60 2.12
Change from rest (Δ) to 70% Expert Players 10 -4.00 6.00 .60 1.00
Change from rest (Δ) to 90% Expert Players 10 1.00 14.00 5.30 1.24
Score (Rest) Novice Players 10 40.00 59.00 50.60 1.75
Score (70%) Novice Players 10 36.00 58.00 46.20 1.87
Score (90%) Novice Players 10 31.00 48.00 39.70 1.38
Change from rest (Δ) to 70% Novice Players 10 1.00 10.00 4.40 .87
Change from rest (Δ) to 90% Novice Players 10 4.00 17.00 10.90 1.22
Abbreviations: SEM = Standard Error of the Mean, Δ = Delta.