Table 1. VO response parameters in upright and supine cycling at the same relative intensity. Mean values are (± SD) ( = 9).
Upright Supine
VO2 (b) (L·min-1) .80 (.13) .68 (.08)*
Ap (L·min-1) 1.91 (.49) 1.53 (.33)*
Ï„p (s) 23.5 (6.7) 32.7 (10.7) *
As (L·min-1) .44 (.20) .22 (.13) *
Ï„s (s) 126.3 (60.7) 142.5 (101.8)
As (%) 19.1 (7.4) 13.2 (8.1)
VO (b) is the average value of VO2 during the 3-min warm-up, A and A are the asymptotic amplitudes and Ï„p and Ï„s are the time constants of the primary and slow component phases, respectively.* Significantly different from upright cycling (p < 0.05).