Table 1. Frequency and mean time for each motion category for all matches combined (n = 4), singles (n = 2) and pairs (n = 2) matches. Results are presented as means (±SD).
Motion Frequency (n) Mean duration (s)
All Singles Pairs All Singles Pairs
Waiting 117(39) 143(35) 90(20) 30(12) 20(1.0) 41(2)
Walking forward 107(20) 124(6) 90(8) 11(1) 11(.5) 11(2)
Walking backward 27(8) 25(6) 29(12) 4(1) 4(.5) 5(1)
Jogging 9(4) 9(4) 10(5) 6(2) 7(2.0) 5(1)
Bowling 56(28) 79(16) 33(4) 8(3) 8(1.0) 8(5)