Table 1. Average values (± SD) of the pattern of velocity (v), stroke rate (SR) and breathing frequency (BF) during the swimming test calculated from individual regression lines.
CS group RS group
v50 (m·s-1) 1.57 (.1) 1.42 (.11) *
Δv/s (m·s-1·100 m -1) .16 (.72) .16 (.69)
SR50 (Hz) .71 (.1) .7 (.1)
ΔSR/s (Hz·100 m -1) -.03 (.05) -.01 (.03)
BF50 (min-1) 25 (7) 36 (5) **
ΔBF/s (min·100 m -1) 2.92 (3.81) .19 (.95)
* and ** denote p < 0.05 and 0.01 respectively between the groups.