Table 1 Demographic and baseline pulmonary functional data of 15 smokers and 15 non smokers. Values are means (±SD) [range], apart from gender.
Smokers Non smokers
Age (yrs) 47 (7)
43 (8)
Gender (M/F) 10/5 10/5
BMI (kg/m2) 25 (3)
25 (4)
FEV1 (% pred) 103 (10)
115 (10)
FEV1/SVC (%) 78 (6)
80 (6)
TLC (% pred) 105 (9)
106 (11)
TLCO (% pred) 79 (10)
[65– 96]
101 (31) *
* p < 0.05.