Table 1. Item and participant frequencies, scale internal consistency estimates, and zero order correlations.
Year NMSK sports items Alpha NMSK General FM items Alpha General family N
N Non-fellows Correlation of NMSK score and fellowship
1998 13 .48 173 .80 1 710 8 896 .07
1999 14 .15 151 .74 1 687 8 828 .03
2000 12 .27 184 .79 1 661 8 715 -.01
2001 3 .13 180 .82 1 649 8 525 .03
2003 2 .05 199 .81 1 631 8 200 .03
NMSK = non-musculoskeletal; FM= Family Medicine; N = number of participants; 2002 data were not used because there were no NMSK items in the exam; Fellowship was score 1 = fellowship, 0 = no fellowship.