Table 1. Heart rate and ratings of perceived exertion during multiple contractions, 30 repetitive plus 3 sets of 15 repetitions of biceps curls performed at 20% of 1-RM (n = 10). Values are mean (± SE).
Pre C30 S1-R15 S2-R15 S3-R15
Heart rate (BPM)
Control 75 (3) 89 (3) 89 (3) 90 (3) 91 (3)
98 mmHg 76 (4) 91 (4) 92 (4) 93 (4) 93 (4)
121 mmHg 75 (3) 92 (4) 93 (5) 93 (4) 93 (5)
147 mmHg 74 (2) 93 (3) 93 (3) 98 (3) 99 (4)
Rating of Perceived Exertion
Control - 12 (1) 12 (1) 13 (1) 13 (1)
98 mmHg - 13 (1) 14 (1) 15 (1) * 16 (1) *
121 mmHg - 14 (1) * 15 (0) * 15 (1) * 16 (1) *
147 mmHg - 14 (1) * 15 (1) * 16 (1) * 17 (1) *
Pre = pre-contraction bout, C30 =3 0 contraction, S1-R15 = 15 repetition of the 1 set, S2-R15 = 15 repetition of the 2 set, and S3-R15 = 15 repetition of the 3 set. Low, Mid, and High = blood flow restriction; cuff pressure at 98 (3), 121 (4), and 147 (4) mmHg. * different from control (p ¼ 0.05).