Table 1. Swim-mean time (± SE, N = 30) between different feedback condition (coach/chronometer and none feedback), two pool length (25/50m), and two swim speeds (aerobic swim speed (AS) and anaerobic threshold swim speed (AnS)).
Coach feedback Chronometer feedback none feedback
Length pool Length pool Length pool
Swim speed 25 m 50 m 25 m 50 m 25 m 50 m
AS 38.55 (0.15) †  75.48 (0.45) * 38.57 (0.15) †  74.25 (0.45) * 38.76 (0.14) †  77.50 (0.45) *
AnS 37.68 (0.14) 70.65 (0.45) *,# 38.06 (0.14) 70.35 (0.45) *,# 37.42 (0.14) 72.23 (0.45) *,#
# Statistically significant (p = 0.01) difference in swim speed (Ans) between coach/chronometer and none feedback condition.†  Statistically significant (p = 0.01) difference in swim speed (As) between coach/chronometer and none feedback condition.* Statistically significant (p < 0.01) difference in pool length (50m) between coach/chronometer and none feedback condition.