Table 1 Measures of HRV before (baseline) and after short-term submaximal exercise (post-exercise) in different body positions. Data are means (±SD).
Seated Supine Supine with elevated legs
baseline post-exercise baseline post-exercise baseline post-exercise
HR (bpm) 88 (8) 97 (6) ** 76 (10) † †  84 (8) **§§ 77 (8) † †  82 (4) **§§
HRV Time domain
RRNN (ms) 684.4 (60.0) 624.1 (42.8) ** 805.0 (112.4) † †  717.3 (59.8) **§§ 788.5 (84.2) † †  732.0 (36.3) **§§
SDNN (ms) 48.8 (11.8) 35.6 (12.1) ** 62.0 (19.5) † †  40.3 (12.5) ** 53.0 (15.1) 37.0 (9.3) **
RMSSD (ms) 26.1 (8.1) 16.0 (6.5) ** 48.6 (22.8) † †  21.9 (9.0) **§§ 39.3 (15.8) † †  22.2 (7.9) **§§
HRV Frequency domain
lnLF (ms2) 7.28 (.59) 6.82 (.79) * 7.18 (.53) 6.55 (.66) ** 6.87 (.61) †  6.31 (.68) **§
lnHF (ms2) 6.15 (.71) 5.23 (.80) ** 6.92 (.71) † †  5.57 (.64) ** 6.59 (.80) †  5.55 (.85) **
HR, heart rate; RRNN, mean RR normal-to-normal interval; SDNN, standard deviation of normal-to-normal intervals; RMSSD, root mean square of successive differences; ln LF, natural logarithm of low-frequency spectral power; ln HF, natural logarithm of high-frequency spectral power.* and ** denote p < 0.05 and 0.01, respectively, post-exercise vs. baseline†  and † †  denote p < 0.05 and 0.01, respectively, vs. seated baseline§ and §§ denote p < 0.05 and 0.01, respectively, vs. seated post-exercise.