Table 1. Anthropometrical, physiological and biomechanical parameters and their correlate with 100-m front crawl swimming performance in adolescent swimmers (n = 25). Data are means (± standard deviations, SD), minimal and maximal values, and partial correlation coefficients () with age as control variable.
Variable Mean (SD) min max Partial correlation with 100-m time (rp)
Body height (cm) 1.76 (.09) 1.52 1.89 - .536 *
Body mass, BM (kg) 63.3 (10.9) 45.0 89.0 -.480
Body mass index, BMI (kg·m-2) 20.2 (2.2) 15.6 24.9 -.247
Body fat (%) 12.8 (3.3) 7.5 18.4 .061
Total body fat mass, (kg) 8.0 (2.2) 4.1 11.6 -.174
Fat-free mass, (kg) 54.7 (9.6) 39.0 77.4 -.506
Bone mass, (kg) 2.7 (.6) 1.60 3.84 -.543 *
Total bone mineral density, (g·cm-2) 1.12 (.10) .95 1.33 -.462
Spine bone mineral density, (g·cm-2) 1.06 (.15) .79 1.28 -.516 *
Arm span (cm) 182.8 (11.5) 152.5 200.5 -.557 *
Velocity, vs (m·s-2) 1.34 (.14) 1.01 1.57 -.938 *
Stroke length, SL (m·cycle-1) 1.00 (.09) .84 1.22 -.506
Stroke rate, SR (cycle·min) 40.2 (2.9) 35.0 46.0 -.785 *
Stroke index, SI (m2·sec-1·cycle-1) 1.35 (.24) .85 1.83 -.643 *1
VO2peak (L·min-1) 3.51 (.82) 2.31 5.72 -.398
VO2peak (ml·min-1·kg-1) 55.2 (5.9) 44.4 70.6 -.017
ΔVO2 (L·min-1) 3.02 (.79) 1.86 5.31 -.322
La3 (mmol·L-1) 6.40 (2.81) 2.64 14.20 -.525 *
La5 (mmol·L-1) 6.58 (3.03) 2.65 14.20 -.574 *
Blood lactate accumulation, La (mmol·L-1) 4.9 (3.0) 0.61 12.6 -.598 *
Energy cost of swimming, Cs (kJ·m-1) 3.99 (1.78) 1.31 8.50 -.544 *
Tanner sexual maturation stage (1-5) 3.9 (1.02) 2 5 -.285
* Statistically significant correlation (p ≤ .05); controlled also for swimming velocity