Table 1 Descriptive and statistical data of the variables. Data are correlations (coefficient of determination).
Variables M SD Asymmetry Kurtosis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Interest in athlete's input 3.17 1.65 .33 -.93 - .50**
2. Praise for autonomous behavior 4.68 1.36 -.50 -.21 - - .35**
3. Autonomy 3.51 .83 -.59 .38 - - - .30**
4. IM to know 5.56 1.15 -.98 .98 - - - - .66**
5. IM to experience stimulation 5.70 1.05 -1.14 1.73 - - - - - .68**
6. IM toward accomplishment 5.71 1.11 -1.15 1.54 - - - - - - .40**
7. Being physically active 4.38 .69 -1.89 4.84 - - - - - - -
** < .01; * < .05; IM = Intrinsic motivation; M = Mean; SD = Standard deviation