Table 1. Means (standard deviations) of lower extremity kinematic variables during the landing of the single- and double-leg stop-jump tasks.
Double-leg Single-leg P-value
Hip flexion angle at initial foot contact with ground (degree) 38.30 (9.02) 29.45 (9.26) .002
Knee flexion angle at initial foot contact with ground (degree) 37.92 (12.32) 26.30 (6.53) .019
Hip flexion angular velocity at initial foot contact with ground (degree/s) 78.50 (46.69) -55.55 (57.33) < .001
Knee flexion angular velocity at initial foot contact with ground (degree/s) 200.29 (63.33) 100.20 (64.82) .004
Hip maximum flexion angle during landing (degree) 42.52 (8.44) 31.24 (8.52) < .001
Knee maximum flexion angle during landing (degree) 84.74 (8.41) 57.50 (7.96) < .001