Table 1. Classification systems of tendinopathy developed by Nirschl et al. (2003).
Pathologic stages:
      Stage I: temporary irritation (chemical inflammation?)
      Stage II: permanent tendinosis – less than 50% tendon cross-section
      Stage III: permanent tendinosis – greater than 50% tendon cross-section
      Stage IV: partial or total rupture of tendon
Phases of pain:
      Phase I: mild pain after exercise activity, <24 hours
      Phase II: pain after exercise activity, >48 hours, resolves with warm-up
      Phase III: pain with exercise activity, does not alter activity
      Phase IV: pain with exercise activity that alters activity
      Phase V: pain caused by heavy activities of daily living
      Phase VI: intermittent pain at rest that does not disturb sleep; pain caused by light activities of daily living
      Phase VII: constant rest pain and pain that disturb sleep