Table 1. Mean (± standard deviation) of Center of Pressure (CoP) measures for individuals with ACL reconstruction (ACLr) and typical individuals (Controls) during normal quite stance and one leg stance (OLS). For each group comparison, the F-ratio resulting from the analysis of variance and the relevant p value are presented.
ACL reconstruction Controls F-ratio, p value
One leg Stance
Operated (Right) Non-operated (left) Right Left
CoPsd M/L (mm) .60 (.33) .51 (.20) .34 (.16) * .36 (.12) 7.64, p = .010
CoPsd A/P (mm) .83 (.41) .68 (.28) .44 (.24) * .47 (.23) * 7.69, p = .007
Total CoP path (mm) 384.5 (186.4) 304.9 (99.1) # 316.5 (89.0) * 324.4 (84.1) 12.32, p = 0.01
CoP Speed (mm/s) 20.37 (14.34) 17.21 (6.41) 12.21 (4.90) * 12.42 (5.45) * 4.87, p = .034
Sway area (mm2) 44173 (18101) 41100 (9681) 34104 (17232) * 34184 (15684) * 5.35, p = .031
Normal Quite Stance
CoPsd M/L (mm) 1.58 (.11) * .72 (.51) 6.96, p = .013
CoPsd A/P (mm) 2.30 (1.31) * .67 (.26) 12.32, p = .01
Total CoP path (mm) 61.8 (43.0) * 29.1 (10.9) 8.69, p = .006
CoP Speed (mm/s) 2.33 (1.47) * 1.07 (.47) 9.41, p = .005
Sway area (mm2) 6526 (4392) * 3185 (1412) 8.35, p = .007
CoPsd M/L : standard deviation of the CoP in the mediolateral axis; CoPsd A/P : standard deviation of the CoP in the anteroposterior axis;*: significantly lower compared with the same leg of the ACL group;# significant different compared with the other leg of the same group, p < 0.05.