Table 1 The MVIC, DOMS and serum CK level during time course of recovery period. Data are means (±SD).
Variables Pre-exercise Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day5 Day 7
CK (IU/L) NM 147 (26) 410 (136) †  705 (185) †  574 (127) †  279 (45)
ER 167 (54) 331(119) †  595 (147) †  455 (133) †  252 (54)
MVIC (N) NM 1073 (233) 838 (164) 897 (172) 918 (129) 987 (204)
ER 1082 (225) 864 (192) 862 (223) 905 (241) 977 (254)
DOMS NM 1 (0) 1.2 (.4) †  2.4 (.5) †  1.9 (.3) * 1 (0)
ER 1 (0) 1.3 (.5) †  2.8 (.4) †  1.8 (.4) * 1 (0)
†  = significantly different from pre-exercise values (p < 0.001).* = significantly different from pre-exercise values (p < 0.05).The MVIC, serum CK level and the DOMS within time course of recovery period. NM = Nautilus Machine; ER, Elastic Resistance.