Table 1 Physiologic changes of subjects induced by dehydration.
Subject Nude weight(kg) Dehydrated weight (kg) Weight loss (gr) or sweat loss (ml) Percentage of primary dehydration Posm change following dehydration
1 86.0 84.0 2000 * 2.33 9.975 *
2 89.0 86.9 2100 * 2.36 7.875 *
3 86.0 84.1 1900 * 2.21 5.775 *
4 96.5 94.4 2100 * 2.18 5.775 *
5 64.0 62.4 1600 * 2.50 6.825 *
6 63.0 61.3 1700 * 2.70 6.825 *
Mean (SD) 80.75 (13.90) 78.85 (13.71) 1900 (209.76) * 2.38 (.19) 7.175 (1.58) *
The difference between nude weight and dehydrated weight (weight loss) was highly significant (* p < 0.01). The difference between Posm before and after dehydration (Posm change following dehydration) was statistically significant (* p < 0.01) for all experiments.