Table 1. Ball velocity, maximal velocity of the center of mass in goal-directed movement and throwing accuracy variables for all throwing techniques. -value for determination of statistical differences for four variables, adjusted using the Bonferroni correction < 0.01. Data are means (± SD).
standing throw
without run-up
standing throw
with run-up
jump throw pivot throw P-value Effect size
Velocity (m·s-1)
†ƒBall velocity 22.3 (1.2) 23.9 (1.2) 21.9 (1.6) 20.4 (1.2) < .001a,c,d,e,f .97
†ƒMaximal velocity center of mass in goal-directed movement 1.5 (.3) 3.0 (.3) 2.6 (.4) 1.6 (.3) < .001a,b,d,e,f .95
Throwing precision
†ƒMissed throws (%) 16 (12) 20 (7) 19 (10) 15 (11) .44 .21
†ƒMean radial error (m) .30 (.11) .30 (.10) .32 (.07) .38 (.08) .21 .51
a: significant difference (p < 0.05) between standing throw with and without run-up; b: significant difference (p < 0.05) between standing throw and jump throw; c: significant difference (p < 0.05) between standing throw and pivot throw; d: significant difference (p < 0.05) between standing throw with run-up and jump throw; e: significant difference (p < 0.05) between standing throw with run-up and pivot throw; f: significant difference (p < 0.05) between jump throw and pivot throw.