Table 1. Summary of descriptive studies that correlate muscle strength and golf swing performance variables.
Study Sample
size (n)
Strength items Golf performance variables Results
Gordon et al. (2009) n = 15 (M) age 34.3 ± 13.6yr; HCP 4.9 ± 2.9 Total body rotation power (MB); chest strength (pec-deck) CHS CHS and chest strength (r = 0.69); CHS and total body rotation power (r = 0.54)
Keogh et al. (2009) n = 20 (M) age 22.9 ± 3.4yr; HCP 0.3 ± 0.5 to 20.3 ± 2.4 Bench press; hack squat; GSCWC; isometric prone hold CHS; target accuracy; HCP LHG had greater CHS (12%) and GSCWC strength (28%); CHS correlated to: HCP, target accuracy, GSCWC strength
Kras and Abendroth-Smith (2001) n = 56 (M) age 15 to 18yr;
GS; GE; LP average score Average golf score and: age (r = 0.41), leg power (r = 0.36)
Sell et al. (2007) n = 257 (M) age 45.5 ± 12.8yr; HCP <0 to 20 TR; SRIR; SRER (strength at 60°/s); HAB; HADD DD
(self-reported); HCP
HCP correlated to: hip, trunk and shoulder strength
Thompson (2002) n = 31 (M) age 65.4 ± 6.7yr; HCP ± Chest press; leg press; leg curl; shoulder press; lat pulldown; seated row; biceps curl; back extension; abdominal crunch CHS CHS correlated to: chest press, leg press, shoulder press, lat pulldown, seated row, biceps curl
Tsai et al. (2004) n = 82 age ?; HCP <0 to 19 Isometric hip strength DD (self-reported); HCP LHAB and HCP (r = -0.33), DD (r = -0.32). LHAB different among groups
Wells et al. (2009) n = 15 (M);
n = 9 (F)
age 22.7 ± 5.1yr; HCP ± Abdominal muscle endurance test; VJ; GS; push-ups and pull-ups in 60s golf ball's initial trajectory; BS; CD for drive and 5-iron F: DLVJ and BS (r = 0.57), DD (r = 0.61). M: VJ and BS (r = 0.50), DD (r = 0.62); pull-ups and BS (r = 0.55), DD (r = 0.53); push-ups and BS (r = 0.48), GS and BS (r = 0.65)
Wiren (1968) n = 51 (M) age 17 to 73yr;
HCP <14
17 strength items Timing; DD; wrist cock; CHS; SS; HCP DD correlated to muscle strength and timing. HCP and DD (r = 0.61)
Wu et al.
n = 20 (M) age 15 ± 1.7yr;
HCP 10 ± 6.1
LHAB; LHF; TF; TE; SRIR; SRER; TR BS BS and: LHAB (r = 0.56), LHF (r = 0.60), TF (r = 0.52), TE (r = 0.56), SRIR (r = 0.63), SRER (r = 0.60)
n = 14 (M) age 18 to 38yr;
HCP < 3
Leg and hip power, trunk power, combined arm and trunk power, GS SS SS and: leg and hip power (r = 0.37), GS (r = 0.29), trunk power (r = 0.63), combined arm and trunk power (r = 0.33), height (r = 0.26), arm length(r = 0.20)
MB: Medicine Ball; CHS: Club Head Speed; CD: Carry Distance; SS: Swing Speed; BS: Ball Speed; DD: Driving Distance; HCP: Handicap; LHG: Low Handicap Golfers; GSCWS: Golf-Specific Cable WoodChop; VJ: Vertical Jump; DLVJ: Dominant Leg Vertical Jump; GS: Grip Strength; GE: Grip Endurance; LP: Leg Power; TR: Trunk Rotation; SRER: Shoulder Right External Rotation; SRIR: Shoulder Right Internal Rotation; HAB: Hip Abduction; HADD: Hip Adduction; LHAB: Left Hip Abduction; LHF: Left Hip Flexion; TF: Trunk Flexion; TE: Trunk Extension. M: Males; F: Females. Only significant correlations (p < 0.05) are reported.