Table 1. Parameter values for selected curves of best fit to the athlete’s performance variables, kinematic variables, energy variables, and pole variables.Data are fitted parameter value (± standard error).
Variable Equation Fit parameter Value
symbol units
Run-up velocity y = a Exp[–b Exp(–cx)] a m/s 8.55 (.09)
b 1.14 (.06)
c 1/step .32 (.02)
RMSD m/s .14
Peak height y = mx + c m s .540 (.017)
c m .21 (.12)
RMSD m .086
Grip height y = ax2 + bx + c a s2/m –.052 (.010)
b s 1.04 (.13)
c m –.69 (.42)
RMSD m .053
Push height y = ax2 + bx + c a s2/m .045 (.011)
b s –.40 (.15)
c m .81 (.47)
RMSD m .058
Take-off velocity y = ax2 + bx + c a s/m –.070 (.035)
b 1.57 (.46)
c m/s –1.2 (1.5)
RMSD m/s .19
Take-off angle y = mx + c m deg·s/m –3.51 (.51)
c deg 48.8 (3.6)
RMSD deg 2.6
Energy at touchdown y = x2/(2g) + htd g m/s2 9.674 (.057)
htd m 1.011 (.016)
RMSD m .02
Energy at take-off y = mx + c m s .379 (.021)
c m .59 (.15)
RMSD m .11
Energy at max pole bend y = a + Exp[1 + b(x – c)] a m 2.570 (.032)
b s/m 1.80 (.53)
c m/s 9.47 (.29)
RMSD m .07
Energy at peak of vault y = mx + c m s .579 (.029)
c m .32 (.21)
RMSD m .15
Energy lost in take-off y = ax2 + bx + c a s2/m –.054 (.022)
b s .41 (.29)
c m –.53 (.94)
RMSD m .12
Energy gain in pole support y = mx + c m s .200 (.024)
c m –.28 (.17)
RMSD m .12
Energy gain in vault y = ax2 + bx + c a s2/m –.031 (.029)
b s .30 (.99)
c m .17 (1.24)
RMSD m .15
Run-up velocity was plotted against run-up length (steps), all other variables were plotted against run-up velocity (m/s).