Table 1 Semi-structured interview guide (questions and probe examples).
1. To begin, can you please tell me what being physically active means to you?
2. Please tell me about a time when you were physically active and enjoyed it.
- Why was it enjoyable?
3. Please tell me about a time when you were physically active and did not enjoy it.
- Why didn’t you enjoy it?
4. Please take me through what you do in a typical week
- What do you do in class, recess, outside of school? (organized or independent)
- Who do you participate in [insert activity mentioned] with?
-Why do you participate in [insert activity mentioned] with?
5. Is there an activity that you would like to participate in but do not?
- What is it?
-Why do you not participate?
- What activities at school?
- What activities at home/community?
6. Can you please tell me how physically active you think you will be in high school?
- What might influence your physical activity participation?
7. What thoughts are you currently having about the interview or physical activity in general?
8. Are there any other questions I should have asked you about your physical activity but didn’t?
- What should I have asked?