Table 1 Mean value (±SD) of the variables obtained during isometric and isokinetic tests of hamstrings and quadriceps for the upper- (HTG) and lower-third (LTG) values groups.
Parameter Overall
N = 39
N = 13
N = 13
Hisom (Nm) 157.3 (26.7) 172.8 (19.0) 141.1 (39.1) * 1.01
Qisom (Nm) 303.8 (41.7) 301.4 (39.6) 292.3 (41.7) .22
Hcon (Nm) 153.6 (20.6) 163.6 (16.7) 137.3 (18.7) * 1.52
Qcon (Nm) 255.3 (29.4) 240.4 (24.3) 259.6 (27.9) * .74
Hrtd (Nm.s-1) 915.5 (399.1) 1047.0 (405.0) 806.9 (349.4) * .64
Qrtd (Nm.s-1) 1921.1 (549.4) 1929.1 (590.0) 1862.1 (504.0) .12
Hisom - peak isometric torque of hamstrings; Qisom - peak isometric torque of quadriceps; Hcon - peak concentric torque of hamstrings; Q - peak concentric torque of quadriceps; Hrtd - rate of torque development of hamstrings; Qrtd - rate of torque development of quadriceps; ES - effect size.* p < 0.05 in relation to HTG group.