Table 1 Static stretching exercises.
1) Posterior shoulder press. One arm cross on the chest. The other arm’s hand stretches the other arm towards chest (#200)
2) Triceps stretch. One arm is stranded from elbow behind the head, the other hand stretches the other arm from elbow to backward.(#224).
3) Shoulder external stretch. The arm is in 90 degrees abduction position, elbow is also in 90 degrees flexion. Assistant with his/her one hand supports athlete’s elbow and with his/her another hand stretches the arm to backward from wrist (#205).
4-5) Pectoralis, Deltoid and Biceps Brachii Stretch. Both arms get up to backward without bending. Asistant gets both arms (#196) or one arm (#222) to the up from wrist.
6) Forearm extansor stretch. One of the arm is extended to the forward and provided to get extension position of the wrist. Other hand holds finger tips and stretches to backward. (#231).
7) Forearm fleksor stretch. One of the arm is extended to the forward provided to get flexion position of the wrist. Other hand holds finger tips and stretches to backward (#231).
(#200, #224, #205, #196, #222, #231 are figure numbers of the reference) (Alter, 1988)