Table 1 Format for each workout protocol.
TRAD Protocol
(30 sec lift: 30 sec rest)
Total Time: 38 min
ACWT Protocol
(30 sec lift: 15 sec rest)
Total Time: 41 min
CWIT Protocol
(30 sec lift: 15 sec rest)
Total Time: 41 min
1. Data collection (rest) 1. Data collection (rest) 1. Data collection (rest)
2. Bike Warm up(5 min @ 60-70% HRmax) 2. Bike Warm up(5 min @ 60-70% HRmax) 2. Bike Warm up(5 min @ 60-70% HRmax)
3. STATION A1 (9 min) 3. Bike: 2:30 min @ 65-75% HRmax 3. STATION A1(6:45 min)
4. Data collection 4. STATION A1(6:45 min) 4. Bike: 30 sec max effort sprint, 3 min easy pedal
5. STATION B2(9 min) 5. Bike: 2:30 min @ 65-75% HRmax 5. Data collection
6. Data collection 6. Data collection 6. STATION B2(6:45 min)
7. STATION C3(10 min) 7. STATION B2(6:45 min) 7. Bike: 30 sec max effort sprint, 3 min easy pedal
8. Data collection 8. Bike: 2:30 min @ 65-75% HRmax 8. Data collection
9. Cool down (5 min easy pedal) 9. Data collection 9. STATION C3(7:30 min)
STATION A1 (3 x 13 reps each)
-Triceps bench dips
-Hip lifts
-Prone planks (3 x 30 sec hold)
10. STATION C3(7:30 min) 10. Bike: 30 sec max effort sprint, 3 min easy pedal
STATION B2 (3 x 13 reps each)
-Standing biceps curl
-Dumbbell (DB) squats
11. Bike: 2:30 min @ 65-75% HRmax 11. Data Collection
STATION C3 (3 x 13 reps each)
-Standing DB lateral raise
-DB split squat R leg
-DB split squat L leg
-Standing DB bent-over row
12. Data collection13. Cool down(5 min easy pedal) 12. Cool down(5 min easy pedal)
Data collection consisted of heart rate, blood lactate, and rating of perceived exertion.