Table 1 Bony landmarks used on the definition of the local coordinate system of the thorax, scapula and humerus.
Segment |
Bony Landmark |
Abbrev |
Thorax |
T8 spinous process |
T8 |
Xiphoid process of the sternum |
PX |
C7 Spinous process |
C7 |
Incisura Jugularis of the sternum |
IJ |
Scapula |
Angulus acromialis |
AA |
Trigonum Spinae Scapulae |
TS |
Angulus Inferior Scapulae |
AI |
Humerus |
Epicondylus medialis |
EM |
Epicondylus lateralis |
EL |
Glenohumeral rotation centre * |
GH |
Abbrev: Abbreviations.* Estimated by motion recordings, calculating the pivot point of instantaneous helical axes of GH motion (Veeger, 2000, Stokdijk et al., 2000)