Table 1 Selected responses of the age-group triathletes to RBR and RBR (mean ± followed by the 95% confidence limits)
Variable RBR1 (95% CI) RBR2 (95% CI) Mean diff (95% CI)
VO2 R1 (l· min-1) 3.67 ± 0.5 (3.25 - 4.09) 3.79 ± 0.34 (3.51 - 4.07) 0.12 ± 0.30 (0.36 - 0.25)
HR R1 (beats· min-1) 166 ± 10 (158 - 174) 164 ± 13 (153 - 175) -1.63 ± 5.71 (-6.40 - 3.14)
[BLA] post R1 (mM) 4.03 ± 1.81a (2.52 - 5.54) 3.89 ± 2.31 (1.96 - 5.82) 0.14 ± 1.47 (-1.32 to 1.61)
Bmax Abs VO2peak (l· min-1) 4.19 ± 0.40 (3.86 - 4.52) 4.19 ± 0.49 (3.78 - 4.60) 0.01 ± 0.16 (-0.12 - 0.14)
Bmax Wpeak (W) 332.4 ± 33.6 (304.31 - 360.49) 332.9 ± 34.8 (303.81 - 361.99) 0.50 ± 11.25 (9.90 - 9.40)
Bmax HR peak (beats· min-1) 182 ± 9 (174 - 189) 181 ± 9 (174 - 189) -0.25 ± 2.49 (1.83 - 2.08)
[BLA] post Bmax (mM) 12.9 ± 3.1 (10.31 - 15.49) 12.9 ± 2.4 (10.89 - 14.91) -0.02 ± 1.19 (0.98 - 1.00)
Bsubmax HR (beats· min-1) 160 ± 12 (150 - 170) 160 ± 13 (149 - 171) 0.13 ± 3.76 (-3.01 - 3.3)
VO2 Bsubmax (l· min-1) 3.21 ± 0.030 (3.18 - 3.24) 3.21 ± 0.028 (3.19 - 3.23) 0.00 ± 0.13 (0.10 - 0.11)
[BLA] post Bsubmax (mM) 7.47 ± 3.86 (4.24 - 10.70) 7.16 ± 3.46 (4.27 - 10.05) 0.31 ± 2.81 (-2.50 to 3.12)
VO2R2 (l· min-1) 3.68 ± 0.41 (3.34 - 4.02) 3.72 ± 0.38 (3.40 - 4.04) 0.04 ± 0.34 (4.21 - 3.77)
[BLA] post R2 6.83 ± 3.39a (4.00 - 9.66) 6.76 ± 2.90 (4.34 - 9.18) 0.07 ± 5.63 (-5.56 to 5.70)
∆HRR1-R 2 (beats· min-1) 8.6 ± 5.5 (4.0 - 13.2) 10.0 ± 6.7 (4.4 - 15.6) 1.4 ± 4.9 (-2.7 - 5.5)
∆[BLA]R1-R 2 2.80 ± 3.42 (-0.06 - 5.66) 2.86 ± 1.31 (1.76 - 3.96) 0.06 ± 2.69 (-2.19 - 2.31)
∆VO2R1-R 2 (l· min-1) 0.0083 ± 0.19 (-0.15-0.17) -0.07 ± 0.18 (-0.22 - 0.08) -0.79 ± 0.16 (-0.22 - 0.06)
VO oxygen output, R first run section of RBR, HR heart rate, [BLA] blood lactate concentration, B maximal incremental bike test section of RBR, Abs VO absolute peak oxygen output (l· min), W peak power output, B submaximal cycle section of RBR, R second run section of RBR, ∆HR change in HR between R and R of RBR ∆ [BLA] change in blood lactate concentration between R and R of RBR, ∆VO change in VO between R and R of RBR No difference between matched variables (in the same row) was found between RBR and RBR at the 95% confidence level.