Table 1. Mean and standard deviation of the 3 points of the toss ball, on the 12 players per condition of practice in the 3 axes: and.
N = 240 I PP IP
x y z x y z x y z
IAF0 M 26.08 17.63 180.20 5.53 40.96 297.97 17.98 50.06 261.21
SD 17.16 12.63 8.12 15.78 15.22 28.13 19.01 14.89 6.99
IAF1 M 26.79 18.81 180.69 4.27 43.94 294.81 15.64 54.07 259.40
SD 15.81 11.27 7.26 14.49 17.64 29.59 18.35 17.53 7.38
IAF2 M 18.29 25.11 181.04 4.22 43.54 297.34 13.50 54.42 261.21
SD 11.92 15.63 6.96 13.49 14.83 28.08 17.53 14.97 7.59
IAF3 M 27.33 16.83 180.24 0.46 38.04 297.93 6.18 47.69 261.01
SD 17.40 8.06 8.64 13.45 13.71 29.70 14.28 15.23 9.39
IAFr M 25.97 19.11 181.52 4.16 43.25 299.91 14.16 54.26 261.36
SD 14.21 11.34 6.16 13.13 13.88 29.16 17.73 15.24 7.40