Table 1. Mean (± SD) 20 m sprint and circuit times overall and for each quarter, plus first and best sprint times of each quarter for the precooling (PC) and control (CONT) trials.
Trial Cohen’s d Effect Size / Mean change (%) / 90 % confidence limits
/Percentage chance that effect is beneficial (trivial/harmful) #
Overall Sprint Time (s) 3.821 (.440) 3.772 (.404) .12 / 1.3 / -.24, .48 / 7 (58/35)
Quarter Sprint Time (s) 1 3.744 (.335) 3.744 (.306) .00 / .0 / -.50, .50 / 24 (52/24)
2 3.849 (.455) 3.797 (.418) .12 / 1.4 / -.29, .53 / 9 (54/37)
3 3.860 (.523) 3.794 (.486) .14 / 1.7 / -.18, .45 / 4 (60/36)
4 3.829 (.475) 3.753 (.484) .16 / 2.0 / -.19, .50 / 4 (55/41)
First Sprint Time (s) 1 3.680 (.328) 3.753 (.457) .16 / 1.9 / -.74, .42 / 45 (40/14)
2 3.794 (.453) 3.821 (.390) .07 / .7 / -.07, .32 / 27 (61/12)
3 3.784 (.469) 3.778 (.482) .01 / .2 / -.28, .30 / 11 (76/13)
4 3.835 (.559) 3.772 (.559) .11 / 1.6 / -.35, .58 / 12 (51/37)
Best Sprint Time (s) 1 3.597 (.255) 3.577 (.300) .07 / .6 / -.22, .35 / 6 (74/20)
2 3.709 (.398) 3.720 (.400) .03 / .3 / -.34, .28 / 17 (72/11)
3 3.751 (.501) 3.742 (.477) .02 / .2 / -.25, .29 / 9 (79/12)
4 3.698 (.429) 3.651 (.432) .11 / 1.3 / -.17, .39 / 4 (68/28)
Overall Circuit Time (s) 44.53 (4.21) 44.05 (4.13) .12 / 1.1 / -.17, .40 / 4 (66/30)
Quarter Circuit Time (s) 1 44.67 (3.97) 43.37 (3.25) .40 / 2.9 / .11, .68 / 0 (12/88)
2 44.78 (4.24) 44.40 (4.34) .09 / .8 / -.28, .46 / 9 (62/29)
3 44.61 (4.51) 44.29 (5.06) .06 / .7 / -.29, .42 / 10 (65/25)
4 44.07 (4.88) 44.16 (4.57) .02 / .2 / -.27, .23 / 11 (82/7)
# Where the chance of benefit or harm were both calculated to be > 5%, the true effect was deemed unclear. < 1%, almost certainly not; <5%, very unlikely; <25%, unlikely/probably not; 25-75%, possibly/possibly not; >75%, likely/probably; >95%, very likely; >99%, almost certainly.