Table 1. Descriptive statistics of the characteristics of the participants. Data are means (±standard deviation)
LCI group
(n=15; 7♀ 8♂)
MCI group
(n=18, 8♀ 10♂)
HCI group
(n=16, 8♀ 8♂)
VCI group
(n=20, 11♀ 9♂)
CG group
(n=19, 9♀ 10♂)
Age (yr) 6.4 (.41) 6.4 (.4) 6.3 (.4) 6.5 (.4) 6.5 (.3) 6.4 (.4)
Height (m) 1.23 (.05) 1.24 (.05) 1.22 (.04) 1.24 (.04) 1.23 (.04) 1.23 (.04)
Body mass (kg) 24.9 (3.3) 25.6 (4.1) 25.1 (3.6) 25.4 (3.3) 24.9 (3.5) 25.2 (3.6)
BMI (kg·m-2) 16.5 (1.3) 16.8 (2.0) 17.0 (1.9) 16.6 (2.5) 16.5 (1.9) 16.7 (1.5)
LCI: low contextual interference; MCI: moderate contextual interference; HCI: high contextual interference, VCI: variable contextual interference; CG: control group; BMI: Body Mass Index.