Table 1 Propulsion phases and selected recovery phases of the arm breaststroke swimming cycle and their partial correlations (Partial Corr.) with swimming speed – V50 (m·s) when controlled for age (n = 23).
  Arm-Propulsion (%) Arm-Recovery (%)
Indices AP1 AP2 AP3 Total AP AR2water ARair Total AR
V50surface breast 12.5 (4.85) 22.3 (3.89) 6.1 (1.53) 41.0 (5.27) 50.3 (10.13) 8.7 (6.50) 59.0 (5.27)
Partial Corr. .22 –.11 .64 ** .31 –.51 * .54 ** –.31
Statistically significant correlations were marked as follows:* p < 0.05,** p < 0.01.