Table 1. Dietary caloric and macronutrient intake for the PLAC and NMDA groups. Values are means (± SD).
Variable Day PLAC NMDA Test Group x Test
Total Calories (kcal ·kg-1) 0 32.56 (8.49) 33.16 (9.85) .44 .18
29 35.48 (10.04) 38.65 (11.61)
Protein (g·kg-1) 0 1.27 (.48) 1.21 (.48) .53 .21
29 1.32 (.56) 1.34 (.58)
Carbohydrate (g·kg-1) 0 3.92 (2.76) 4.08 (1.45) .88 .15
29 4.0 2 (2.34) 4.34 (2.15)
Fat (g·kg-1) 0 1.32 (.48) 1.35 (.54) .88 .15
29 1.39 (.51) 1.42 (.72)
Dietary caloric and macronu trient intake for the PLAC (n = 10) and NMDA (n = 10) groups. No significant differences were detected for any of the dietary variables (p > 0.05).