Table 1. Table 1. Mean (±SD) of RHJ distance, velocity and time taken following VbX and Control for 1 min and 2 min rest separating RHJ sets.
Condition VbX- VbX- Con- Con- Statistical Analysis
Rest 1min 2min 1min 2min Condition effect Rest effect Condition x Rest effect
Distance (m) 7.42 (.94) 7.55 (.90) 7.28 (.99) 7.29 (.87) p < .05 p = .341 p = .228
Velocity (m·s-1) 3.85 (.48)* 4.05 (.54) 3.85 (.45) * 3.74 (.45) ** p < .05 p = .229 p < .05 † 
Time (s) 1.98 (.21) 1.89 (.30) 1.90 (.24) 1.96 (.19) p =.493 p = .961 p =.057
* p < 0.05**p < 0.01 significantly different from VbX-2min.†  significant (p < 0.05) condition (VbX) x rest interaction.‡ significant (p < 0.05) condition effect (VbX)