Table 1. Comparison of the ultra-short-term (i.e., < 60 sec) and short-term (i.e., 300 sec) lnRMSSD segments.
95% CI Limits of Agreement
Mean (±SD), ms p Cohen’s d Typical Error ICC Lower Upper Bias (± 1.96 SD)
lnRMSSD300Pre 4.24 (.57) - - - - - - -
lnRMSSD60Pre 4.24 (.61) .86 .01 .11 .98 .93 .99 .00 (.22)
lnRMSSD30Pre 4.17 (.60) .14 .12 .17 .93 .83 .97 -.07 (.41)
lnRMSSD10Pre 4.11 (.66) .13 .21 .34 .81 .57 .92 -.20 (.94)
lnRMSSD300Pre 2.64(.68) - - - - - - -
lnRMSSD60Pre 2.52 (.72) <.01 .17 .14 .96 .96 .99 -.15 (.39)
lnRMSSD30Pre 2.53(.67) .04 .16 .19 .93 .87 .98 -.14 (.53)
lnRMSSD10Pre 2.56(.77) .23 .11 .27 .90 .53 .92 -.12 (.76)
p value refers to the differences compared to the 300 second epochs, ICC = intraclass correlation coefficient, CI = 95% confidence intervals of ICC, Bias = mean difference between the criterion (i.e., 300 second) and ultra-short-term (i.e., < 60 second) values.