Table 1. Participant’s characteristics, grouped according to their parents’ activity levels. Values are means (±SD).
Parents Inactive One Parent Active Both Parents Active Total Sample
N (%) 471 (29.2) 502 (31.1) 642 (39.7) 1615 (100)
Gender (male; %) 242 (51.4) 255 (50.8) 316 (49.2) 813 (50.3)
Age (years) 1 7.1 (.7) 7.0 (.6) 7.0 (0.6) 7.1 (0.6)
Height (m) 1.24 (.06) 1.24 (.07) 1.24 (.06) 1.24 (.06)
Body Mass (kg) 3 25.1 (4.8) 25.0 (5.4) 24.1 (4.4) 24.7 (4.9)
BMI PCT 3 52.0 (28.4) 50.2 (26.9) 44.5 (26.3) 48.4 (27.3)
Overweight/Obese (%) 3 6.5/4.9 4.5/4.7 4.4/1.6 5.0/3.5
Sports (min/week) 2 73.7 (100.0) 102.0 (96.6) 117.7(123.6) 100.0 (110.5)
Age mother (years) 2 36.1 (5.5) 37.4 (5.6) 38.4 (4.5) 37.4 (5.2)
Age father (years) 39.8 (6.4) 40.4 (5.8) 41.06 (5.3) 40.4 (5.8)
High family income (%) 2 34.0 41.9 60.8 46.5
Higher education (%) 3 22.6 29.9 42.2 32.4
1both parents active and one parent active significantly (p ≤ 0.05) different from inactive parents.2all groups significantly (p ≤ 0.05) different from each other.3both parents active significantly (p ≤ 0.05) different from one active parent and inactive parents