Table 1. Anthropometric, physiological and performance/training characteristics of the two participants before LHTH
Participant 1 Participant 2
Anthropometric and physiological characteristics Age (years) 28 33
Height (m) 1.75 1.76
Body mass (kg) 59 58
Body mass index (kg·m-2) 19.3 18.7
Fat mass (%) 6.5 4.5
VO2max (mL·kg-1·min -1) 75.0 82.3
Velocity at VO2max (km·h-1) 16.0 22.8
Hypoxic training camp experience * (n) 28 35
Performance characteristics Discipline 20-km Race Walking Marathon
World ranking Top 15 Top 20
Difference between best performance and world’s number 1 performance for the year (%) -2.8 % - 1.9 %
Race pace (min·km-1) 4 min 00 s 3 min 02 s
Race pace (% vVO2max) 93.7 86.7
Training characteristics Intensity zone 1, 70-80 % of race pace (min·km-1) 5 min 43 s – 5 min 00 s 4 min 20 s – 3 min 47 s
Intensity zone 1 (% vVO2max) 65.6 – 75.0 60.7 – 69.4
Intensity zone 2, 81-90 % of race pace (min·km-1) 4 min 56 s – 4 min 26 s 3 min 44 s – 3 min 22 s
Intensity zone 2 (% vVO2max) 75.9 – 84.3 70.2 – 78.1
Intensity zone 3, >91 % of race pace (min·km-1) <4 min 23 s <3 min 20 s
Intensity zone 3 (% vVO2max) >85.3 >78.9
* all training camps considered last between 21 and 28 days. vVO2max = velocity at VO2max