Table 1. Point-to-point accuracy of body worn sensors for estimation of 3D angles during fast, medium, and slow movements in all directions.
Motion Anterior-Posterior Medial-Lateral Internal-External
Abs*, [°] Re** [%] Abs*, [°] Re** [%] Abs*, [°] Re** [%]
Fast Speed Movements
Systematic -.37 -.50 -.26 -.53 .95 .57
Random 1.72 2.23 1.55 3.15 5.48 3.43
RMSE†  1.78 2.32 1.58 3.20 5.63 3.52
Medium Speed Movement
Systematic -.30 -.38 -.03 -.08 -.22 -.15
Random 1.20 1.47 .89 2.09 3.59 2.49
RMSE 1.24 1.52 .91 2.14 3.61 2.50
Slow Speed Movement
Systematic -.31 -.40 -.28 -.69 .19 .06
Random .78 .99 .91 2.19 3.08 1.99
RMSE .89 1.13 1.00 2.42 3.23 2.09
* Absolute error value;†  Relative error value;‡ Root mean square error