Table 1. Order of performance of tests.
The tests are reported by the name of the test in The Foundation Matrix (TFM).
NB Test 6 was not included in the present study (see Methods section of text)
Standing Tests

1- Double Knee Swing (Low threshold TFM Test 1)

2- Single leg ¼ squat+hip turn (Low threshold TFM Test 2)

3- Controlled shoulder internal rotation (Low threshold TFM Test 4)

4- Split squat+fast feet change (High threshold TFM Test 9)

5- Lateral stair hop + rotational landing control (High threshold TFM Test 10)

Floor Tests

6- Bridge + straight leg lift & lower (Low threshold TFM Test 3)

7- 4 point - arm reach forward and back (Low threshold TFM Test 5)

8- Plank + lateral twist (High threshold TFM Test 7)

Wall test

One arm wall push (Low threshold TFM Test 8)

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