Table 1. Means (M), Standard Deviations (SD), Coefficient Alphas (α), and Bivariate Correlations for all Study Variables.
M SD α 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Extraversion 3.05 .62 .81
2. Agreeableness 3.29 .34 .76 .00 -
3. Conscientiousness 3.47 .40 .89 -.16* -.16* -
4. Neuroticism 3.35 .63 .89 -.04 -.04 .16* -
5. Openness 3.08 .40 .88 -.27 -.27* .01 .01 -
6. ITN 2.40 .99 .88 .05 .05 -.08 .28* .05 -
7. SREA 4.31 .80 .86 -.03 .17* -.01 -.31* -.02 -.45* -
* p < .05.ITN: Internalization of thinness norms; SREA: Self-regulation of eating attitudes; M: Mean; SD: Standard deviation; α: Coefficient alphas;ITN: Internalization of thinness norms; SREA: Self-regulation of eating attitudes; M: Mean; SD: Standard deviation; α: Coefficient alphas;* p < .05.