Table 1. Post minus pre-intervention changes for each measure, for LowHH (low altitude training), LowHH+NHnight (combined low altitude training and simulated altitude exposure) and control (CON). Values are expressed as mean (±standard deviation).
Variable LowHH
(n = 10)
LowHH + NHnight
(n = 8)
(n = 10)
Hbmass (g) 9.8 (10.7) 22.5 (17.6) -10.2 (42.9)
VO2max (mL·min·kg-1) 2.5 (2.6) 2.5 (3.1) .61 (2.1)
Time to exhaustion (min) .7 (.6) .8 (.5) NA
Lactate threshold (km·h-1) .3 (.4) .1 (.3) .8 (1.1)
Submaximal VO2 (mL·min·kg-1) -.2 (1.4) -.4 (1.3) -2.2 (1.5)
Maximal HR (bpm) -3.8 (3.8) -3.1 (2.0) -3.0 (4.8)
Maximal La (mmol·L-1) .1 (1.4) 1.1 (2.0) -.4 (3.5)
vVO2max (km·h-1) .5 (.3) .7 (.7) .7 (.4)
Submaximal HR (bpm) -6.6 (3.8) -9.20 (6.1) -12.0 (12.4)