Table 1. Comparison of un-taped and taped ankle conditions in Y-shaped agility test performance times mean (±standard deviation) [95% confidence intervals]; planned left, planned right, reactive left, reactive right) for experienced basketball players (n = 20). s = seconds; p = significance; d = effect size.
Planned Change-of-Direction Reactive Agility
Un-Taped (s) Taped (s) p d d Strength Un-Taped (s) Taped (s) p d d Strength
Left 1.95 (.09)
1.96 (.13)
.67 .09 Small 2.77 (.17)
2.72 (.12)
.15 .34 Small
Right 1.98 (.16)
1.95 (.15)
.24 .19 Small 2.75 (.19)
2.75 (.17)
.97 <.01 Small