Table 1. Means (±SD) of knee kinematic and kinetic variables in three different running positions.
Foot Progression Angle (°) 25.53 (4.91)a 11.22 (4.18)b -0.54 (5.21)c
KAM (Nm/kg) 1.25 (0.38)a 1.33 (0.44)b 1.21 (0.45)a
LMF (N/kg) 4.06 (1.03)a 4.40 (1.14)b 4.04 (1.21)a
Knee ROM—Frontal (°) 6.33 (2.63)a 4.62 (1.92)b 4.48 (1.98)b
Knee ROM—Sagittal (°) 27.53 (4.85) 28.89 (4.68) 27.17 (4.95)
VGRF (x BW) 2.48 (0.20)a 2.56 (0.20)b 2.57 (0.23)b
Different superscript letters (“a” and “b”) represent a difference between conditions (p < 0.05)‡ = significant main effect for this variable (p < 0.05)